
What Is Self Care And Why It’s Important
Guest Article by Shannon Ramos, LMSW Self Care Is The Key To Caring For Others Self care was presented to me in a whole new way the first time I ever flew on a plane, which was over 25 years ago. It was close to take off, and I was

Stress And Anxiety Rising – The Why’s & Ways To Cope
Why Are We So Stressed And Anxious these Days? I was recently sitting in my office when it hit me; there really is more stress and anxiety these days. It’s seen in all ages, and across all socioeconomic categories. You’re probably saying, of course, you’re a psychotherapist. Yes, stress and

Life Without ED – A Triumph of Recovery
Guest Article by Shannon Ramos, LMSW A True Story of Eating Disorder Recovery Jenni Schaefer is the author of a book called, Life Without Ed. Along with being an author, she is also a successful songwriter and singer. Jenni is also a young woman, who at the age of four

Mindfulness In Eating Disorder Recovery
Guest Article by Shannon Ramos, LMSW The Power of Mindfulness in Recovery Recovery-Different Perspectives Recovery can look different and mean different things to different people. Most people who have experienced real recovery would agree that it is not an easy process, yet a process worth doing. Over all, many people

Failure To Launch – Insights & Solutions
Mission Control We Have A Failure To Launch However, this Failure To Launch doesn’t involve the space program. It involves young adults, their families, and social/economic issues. Failure To Launch isn’t a diagnosis or disease, or even a disorder. It’s commonly referred to as a syndrome. According to 2023 real

Beauty Weight and Worth – How It’s Used Against You
Become Aware, Change Your Perceptions,Reclaim Your Health & Happiness Beauty has always been valued and sought after. But, worth based on weight and body image is a relatively new phenomenon. Advancements in conditioning and brainwashing, I mean marketing, has caused epidemic levels of this phenomenon. I’ve seen a distinct up-tick