
Is OSFED A New Eating Disorder?
What Is OSFED? The Difference Between Anorexia, Bulimia, And OSFED Eating disorders affect approximately 30 million Americans in their lifetime. Many of the preconceived notions we have about eating disorders are incorrect. Most believe that anorexia and bulimia are the most common eating disorders, and that ED victims are typically

Illness Anxiety Disorder aka Health Anxiety
How to Stop Illness Anxiety Disorder Symptoms When most people have a minor symptom — an achy back or a scratchy throat — they decide to take the wait-and-see approach. But if your first thought is cancer over cold, or multiple sclerosis over backache, it can be challenging to ignore

Health Anxiety aka Hypochondria
Health Anxiety In Modern Times As the pandemic continues with no clear end in sight, many of us are struggling to keep our emotions in check. This can especially prove difficult for those who already experience frequent worrying, fear, and generalized tension. Just prior to the pandemic, research showed that

Pandemic Of Eating Disorders
Covid Stress Sets Off Pandemic Of Eating Disorders These are unprecedented times. We are seeing, as a psychotherapy group practice, that a majority of our clients that don’t have an eating disorder are suffering from either restricting, overeating or binging. The Covid pandemic has spawned a pandemic of eating disorders.

Isolation Exhaustion And Self Care Remedies
Isolation Exhaustion is Setting in Learn Specific Ways to Keep Body And Spirit Healthy Isolation exhaustion, from being in quarantine, is causing fatigue, fear, and anxiety. These are all reasonable feelings. In times of forced physical distancing, remaining emotionally close is more important than ever. Connections aren’t going to be

5 Tips to Stay Healthy During Quarantine
No matter who you are, you have no doubt already experienced the effects of COVID-19 During quarantine, you or someone you know may have gotten sick or lost their jobs. By now, you may have realized that being quarantined and watching TV all day is not as glamorous as you